Will (my husband) and I have always wanted to travel. We both like to be free, we are always up for and enjoy an adventure. Whether it’s a morning by the sea or visiting somewhere we haven’t been before, we have always enjoyed experiences over anything physical – ‘stuff’.
We had our daughters when we were in our 20s, life happened, we travelled a bit, but the idea still stuck in our minds; that we would travel when we were older. Over the last few years, conversations between us turn to our retirement, travel, we chat about what are going to do, daydream and come up with many ideas (shall we get a van, move to the country, let go of Quest or have a second shop, buy a house abroad, get a canal boat…etc), yet none of them have felt right and it just hasn’t been the right time. Will reached another decade last year (ouch) and we thought the time is really upon us to make some changes… But what would we do? Where we would we go?
Let us take you through our considerations. Quest is happy and the Quest Team is brilliant, so we know we don’t need to worry about it: it’s in good hands. Our daughters are happy and independent, our health is currently good, we are not materialistic, therefore we don’t need a big house and all that comes with its day-to-day running. We like adventure, we love nature, we would like to travel, experience different cultures. Even though it could be prudent to wait for another year or two until the pandemic is well and truly in the distant past, the current situation in Ukraine is over; we concluded there would always be something to stop us.
So, this year, in April we are leaving our home and downsizing to stay in a tiny cabin on the edge of Boxhill. I know some of you have already visited it on a Bliss retreat, healing / meditation session or an evening meditation. If you have, you would know it is literally on the edge of the world…. It’s in nature, with amazing views; we can go for lots of walks, every day breathe the fresh air, and the best thing is we can leave it at any moment, as it will take care of itself, so we can go on our travels to far and distant lands. The other upside is that, of course, we will continue being close enough for us to continue to work in Quest and run all my workshops, courses and more. Our daughter and her boyfriend will get to enjoy our home, whilst Will and I turn into carefree, non-materialistic nomads.
We have running water, electricity, but a camping toilet (yuck). We have to cross a field to get to the cabin which will be fun in the rain, and the mud, but hey ho we will be living the dream (so we hope)…
Currently, Will is busy decorating it. We have visitors that we hadn’t planned for and are trying to move those little visitors out… We have blinds up at the windows now, otherwise the surrounding neighbourhood might have seen more than they bargained for… We have also had hot water and a teeny weeny washing machine plumbed in.
If you have been to my home, you will know I am very minimalist, however the amount of stuff I have cleared out and let go of has surprised me. I cannot believe how much I have accumulated and held on to, we keep clearing and then clearing again, we have very little room as you will soon see and I have been asking myself what do I need? Like, what do I really need?
I realised, I don’t need very much at all.
Once I let go of all my possessions and started again from scratch, it felt good and it feels good now, clearing out things that I haven’t read or done or that don’t bring me joy any more.
So the countdown has begun, Spring is on its way, the clocks are springing forward and the warmer weather is on its way – thank goodness. We have some challenges ahead, and other things to consider, which I will share with you over the next coming weeks (with lots of photos of course). I will keep you updated with the fun, tears and antics of cabin life with my new series – Carolina @ The Cabin, across my social media; Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, blogs and more; for whoever would be interested in how one lives in a small cabin, like, a really small cabin.
Love, Carolina x
This is from The Soul Coach’s fortnightly blog. Check the blogs out for yourself here!
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