In ancient times, humans all across the world would celebrate the cycles of nature and the seasonal changes. Without advanced technology, such as telescopes and satellites, humans would use the stars and sun to identify these transitions. Even though we are in very different times now, we are all still connected and influenced by the movements of the Earth. By tuning into these shifts, we can harness the Earth’s energy to help us grow, progress and transform.
The Spring Equinox occurs when the Sun crosses the equator – this will be on March 20th this year. This means the Northern Hemisphere tilts more towards the sun, resulting in longer days and warmer temperatures. In earlier times, the Spring Equinox signified the beginning of the new year as it brought regeneration, growth and abundance. Below are our favourite rituals to do at this time as the energy is perfect for them!
Spring Clean:
You’ve no doubt heard the expression ‘Spring Clean’ before, but it’s more than just cleaning your home. The Spring Equinox celebrates new life and rebirth, so honour this time by clearing both yourself and your home so you feel ready to move forward. Look closely at your environment; is there anything that is no longer serving you? Donate old clothes that you don’t wear anymore or fix anything that’s broken. Notice any habits or thoughts that are cluttering your mind and work towards clearing these away. Let your intuition guide you: what do you truly need to release to move forward?
The Time for Creation:
Spring is closely associated with new life and fertility, and brings the arrival of blossom, budding plants and new-born animals. Harness this energy and set out to achieve the new life you dream of. Whilst the Autumn provides the opportunity to clarify your intentions, Spring is the time to act. How can you achieve your goals? Create an action plan that you can follow that will help you reach them. Plant some flower seeds in the garden, focusing on your intentions and goals. Nurture your seeds and let their growth remind you of your potential.
Appreciate the Outside World:
With Spring comes warmer weather and longer days. Even if the British weather brings us rain, there will be signs of Spring all around us. Spending time outside can enhance your wellbeing dramatically, especially after spending the Winter inside, and is known for reducing depression and boosting your mood. Go for walks, sit in the park, have a BBQ or simply let the breeze flow through a window and you will feel uplifted, motivated and full of love. When you are outside, really appreciate the moment by noticing everything around you. Use all of your senses. Can you smell the flowers? Can you hear the birds chirping in the trees? Can you see the baby geese along the pond? Can you feel the warmth of the sun on your face? Bring the outside in by creating an altar in your home with items you find along your walk – a flower, a leaf or a pebble – to remind you that, whatever happens, the Outside World remains constant and available to you.
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