CategoriesEducational Pagan

Beltane Blessings

Welcome to this fortnight’s blog, which comes to you a little earlier than usual, and that is because today is the ancient festival of Beltane! Beltane, sometimes referred to as May Day, is traditionally held on 1st May, approximately half way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Beltane, is traditionally a time of celebration, fertility, and the awakening of nature’s magic. Here at Quest, we love to embrace the enchantment of this ancient festival. Today, we invite you to join us in honouring the wonderful energies of growth, love, and renewal. In this blog, we are going to delve into the significance of Beltane and explore how you can infuse its essence into your spiritual practice with our handpicked offerings.

Understanding Beltane

Rooted in Celtic traditions, Beltane honoured the union of the God and Goddess, symbolising the blossoming of life and fertility. A key part of the Beltane celebrations was the sacred fire, which was seen as a beacon of warmth and transformation. Historically, Beltane was a time of great significance in the agricultural calendar. It marked the return of the warmth and fertility of summer. People would often perform rituals to ensure a bountiful harvest and encourage the fertility of the land, livestock, and people. These rituals often involved dancing around the Maypole, which symbolised the intertwining of male and female energies and the fertility of the Earth. Beltane has experienced a revival among Neopagans and Wiccans, who today, celebrate it as one of the eight Sabbats or festivals of the Wheel of the Year. These celebrations often include rituals, feasting, and maypole dances. Beltane continues to be celebrated and adapted by people around the world as a time to welcome the warmth and vitality of summer.

How to Work with the Energy of Beltane

So how can we use the wonderful energies of Beltane? Well, rituals and festivals like this are a great way to amplify intention and connect with the energies of the universe. As the veil between the worlds thins, Beltane becomes a time for communicating with spirits, and seeking guidance. It’s also a great time for fertility in all its forms. Here are our top tips:

  • Fire Ceremonies: Why not hold your own fire ceremony around a bonfire, or fire pit. This is a great way to release the things that no longer serve you, and invoke blessings for the season ahead.
  • Create Sacred Space: Set up a sacred space dedicated to love and fertility. Decorate with symbols such as flowers, hearts, and images of deities associated with love and fertility, like Aphrodite or Freyja.
  • Set Intentions: Write down your intentions on a piece of paper. Be specific and heartfelt in expressing your desires. Place the paper on your altar or in the fire as an offering to the universe.
  • Divination: Harness the heightened energy of Beltane to gain insights into the future. Use tarot, or oracle cards, or even runes to support your self-discovery. You might also like to consider a reading.
  • Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors, preferably in a lush, green environment like your garden, a park or woodland. Take in the sights, sounds, and scents of nature, allowing yourself to feel grounded and connected to the earth’s fertility. Practice gratitude for the abundance of life that surrounds you.
  • Work with Crystals: Use crystals associated with love and fertility, such as rose quartz, moonstone, and garnet, to amplify your intentions. Carry them with you or place them on your altar to enhance the energetic resonance of your rituals.

If you want to fully embrace the spirit of Beltane, why not take a look to see if there are festivals or events happening in your local area. You might even be able to get involved in some Maypole dancing.

Embrace the Magic of Beltane with Quest

As the wheel of the year turns and Beltane beckons us into its embrace, we invite you to embark on a journey of transformation and renewal. Whether you’re seeking to deepen your spiritual practice, kindle the flames of passion, or simply bask in the beauty of nature’s bounty; our offerings are here to support you every step of the way. May this Beltane be a time of joy, abundance, and infinite possibility. Blessed be!

If you like what you’ve read and would love more magic in your daily life, sign up to our newsletter, pop into store or visit us online at – Quest is a close, family run business that has been open for over 17 years – we have cultivated a shop & wellbeing centre filled with beautiful crystals, magical energies & lots of love and laughter!

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Pluto In Aquarius

There are a lot of amazing and exciting planetary changes happening this year. Arguably, one of the biggest, most significant changes is with planet Pluto moving into Aquarius. The change started back on 20th January, when Pluto moved into the sign Aquarius. It’ll stay here until 1st September, when it will retrograde back into Capricorn till November 19th. Once it’s back in Aquarius, it’ll be there until 8th March 2043! So what does this all mean? Let’s find out…

The Planet of Transformation

Let’s begin by finding out a little more about Pluto. In astrology, Pluto is known as the planet of transformation, power, and regeneration. It represents the subconscious, deep-seated desires, and the process of death and rebirth. Pluto controls the power of transformation on both a collective and personal level. It rules over major life changes and is often associated with intense experiences that lead to profound personal growth. Pluto’s influence can feel very intense, especially in areas of change, or where power struggles and pyschological depth are at play. Due to its slow orbit, Pluto’s influence is generational rather than personal. Its placement in your birth chart can indicate shared experiences and themes with other individuals born during the same period.

All About Aquarius

The sign Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, it symbolises innovation, intellect, and independence. This air sign (January 20th – February 18th) thrives on progressive ideas, humanitarianism, and social change. This energy fosters unconventional thinking and a commitment to breaking norms. Aquarius represents the collective, pushing for equality and freedom for all.

What Can We Expect?

When Pluto moves through Aquarius it intensifies the desire for change and reform in social, political, and technological areas. So what can we expect? Well, during this time we can expect a shift in how we as a society perceive technology, specifically with advances in AI, robotics, and virtual reality. These all have the potential to significantly transform various industries. We might also see issues related to privacy, surveillance, as well as the ethical implications of technological advancements.

Pluto in Aquarius will also highlight the importance of collective action and commiunity initiatives. Social activism, grassroots movements, and efforts to address systemic issues around things like inequality and injustice might also gain momentum during this time.

On a personal level, what does this mean for us all? Well, Pluto’s transit through Aquarius can bring about deep introspection, and a desire for personal empowerment. We might feel compelled to break away free from the societal norms, and embrace our uniqueness. This could be the perfect opportunity for a period of self-discovery, and authenticity. However, it’s also worth noting that Pluto’s influence in Aquarius can also be disruptive, as we remove the old and outdated, to make way for the new. This could relate to work, views and perceptions, as well as relationships. It is essential to navigate this time with awareness and resilience; understanding that change is an essential part of growth.

So if you are feeling the need for change you’ll now know why. Interesting too that there are changes afoot with politics here in the UK too. A mayoral election coming up in May, and potentially a general election at some point this year, or early next year. Overall, Pluto in Aquarius in 2024 will offer us all the opportunity for personal and societal change and growth. It’s the time to embrace innovation, change and work towards an equal and more sustainable future.

We’ve Got You Covered

As always, we have a number of wonderful products to assist you with your astrological journey, and don’t forget we have the fabulous astrologer Dr Maggie available for readings.

If you like what you’ve read and would love more magic in your daily life, sign up to our newsletter, pop into store or visit us online at – Quest is a close, family run business that has been open for over 17 years – we have cultivated a shop & wellbeing centre filled with beautiful crystals, magical energies & lots of love and laughter!

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CategoriesFolklore Pagan

The Green Man

Last week at Quest, we celebrated the Spring Equinox; which for us up in the Northern Hemisphere, heralds the start of Spring. We are now blessed with longer days and shorter nights. Hooray! Isn’t it beautiful to look out of the windows and see the green returning to the trees and the splashes of colour as the flowers awaken from their slumber? We love Spring here at Quest. Spring itself is all about fertility, rebirth and growth. Many traditions around this time of year stem from Pagan or Celtic rituals from centuries ago. There are many myths, legends and tales about deities and mythical beings around Spring time. A firm customer favourite is the Green Man. So this week, we thought there was no better time to tell you a little bit more about him and his origin.

Who Is The Green Man?

Well, he is an ancient mythological figure often depicted as a face made entirely of foliage, representing the spirit of nature and the cycle of life. With his roots in various cultures, the Green Man symbolises the connection between humans and the natural world. He is a symbol of fertility, growth, and rebirth, embodying the vitality of the earth. The Green Man appears in folklore, art, and architecture, inspiring awe and admiration for nature’s power. His presence reminds us to respect and protect the environment, urging us to live in harmony with the Earth and appreciate the beauty and abundance it provides.

Where Did The Green Man Originate?

The Green Man has origins in ancient mythology and folklore, particularly in European cultures, and can be traced back thousands of years. The exact origins of are difficult to pinpoint, as the figure has evolved and been represented in various forms throughout history. However, it is believed that the earliest representations can be found in the ancient cultures of the Celts and the Romans.

In Celtic mythology, the Green Man is associated with nature, fertility, and rebirth. He is often depicted as a masculine figure with a face made up of or surrounded by leaves, vines, or other vegetation.

The Roman god Silvanus, associated with woodlands and forests, also bears similarities to the Green Man. Silvanus is often depicted with a crown of leaves or with a face emerging from foliage.

Overtime, the Green Man motif spread across Europe, appearing in various forms of art and architecture. It became particularly prevalent during the medieval period, adorning churches, cathedrals, and other religious structures. The figure’s association with nature and fertility was often linked to Christian symbolism, representing the cycle of life and the resurrection.

What Does The Green Man Symbolise?

As we’ve mentioned previously, one of the primary meanings attributed to the Green Man is the representation of growth, rebirth, and fertility. As a symbol of the lushness of nature, it signifies the regenerative powers of the earth, particularly during the spring season when plants and trees come back to life after the dormant winter period.

The Green Man is also associated with the cycle of life and death. He symbolises the continuous cycle of growth, decay, and renewal, reminding us of the impermanence of all things and the need for balance. He also embodies the spirit of the forest and the untamed wilderness. He represents the wild and primal forces of nature, highlighting the importance of respecting and living in harmony with the natural world.

Additionally, the Green Man symbolises the connection between humanity and nature, reminding us of our responsibility as stewards of the earth. It serves as a reminder to live in harmony with nature and to recognise our dependence on the planet’s resources.

Today, the Green Man continues to be a popular symbol in art, literature, and contemporary pagan and nature-based spiritual practices. He continues to reflect humanity’s deep connection to nature and the enduring symbolism of the natural world, which is why he’s so loved among you, our wonderful customers.

We’ve Got You Covered

We have some wonderful depictions of the Green Man available for you to purchase.  Green Man tealight holder, Autumn Green Man Plaque, Winters Watch Green Man Plaque and many more  in store.

If you like what you’ve read and would love more magic in your daily life, sign up to our newsletter, pop into store or visit us online at – Quest is a close, family run business that has been open for over 17 years – we have cultivated a shop & wellbeing centre filled with beautiful crystals, magical energies & lots of love and laughter!

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CategoriesReiki Tips & Advice

Why Consider Reiki Training?

Reiki is a natural healing system, originating from Japan, and uses Universal energy to bring the body into balance, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. You may have experienced a Reiki treatment and felt the benefits for yourself, maybe you know someone who has had Reiki and told you about the effects, or you might just be interested in finding out more. So here are some of the benefits of learning Reiki, or continuing your Reiki journey.

Anyone Can Learn Reiki

During the training, Reiki energy is passed from the teacher to the student through attunements, a sacred ceremony originating from the founder of Reiki, Dr Mikao Usui. Dr Usui spent many years searching for the secrets of Reiki, which culminated in him spending 21 days meditating and fasting on Mount Kurama, in Japan. On the last day he received a different energy which he called Reiki. The attunement is performed in person, as the Reiki Master teacher shares the energy with their student, and they can trace their lineage back to Dr Usui.

Reiki training is open to everyone and some teachers run special courses for children and teenagers. There are no prerequisites for training, you just need an interest in, and an openness to, the healing.

There Is No Set Way To Learn Reiki

There are now lots of Reiki teachers offering courses; although there is no set syllabus, each teacher will cover the basics in their own way. It is worth doing your research, and asking for recommendations to find the right course for you. Here at Home of Reiki, the courses are very practical-based. You will be given a detailed manual covering all of the basic material, and on-going support to help you wherever you are in your Reiki journey. We are dedicated to offering face-to-face Reiki training inline with the authentic Reiki principles, and teaching to a very high level, ensuring students are competent and confident to give Reiki to themselves and to others. Class sizes can vary too, from teacher to teacher, so think about how you would be happy to learn.

Reiki 1 is about YOU

Reiki 1 training focuses on you, your self-healing and your Reiki journey. As Reiki brings the body into balance, and you, as a practitioner, act as a channel for the energy healing, you need to keep your energy clear. After your attunement, you will start 21 days of self-healing and you are encouraged to meditate, self-heal and generally look after yourself. You will be introduced to beneficial practices including journaling, reflecting, gratitude and ways to ground and protect yourself. Looking after yourself should be your number one priority – if you don’t look after yourself you can’t look after others. 

You Will Learn How To Treat Others

Although Reiki 1 is primarily about you, and your self-healing, you will also learn how to treat your family and friends, and even your pets. If you decide to continue, the Reiki 2 training develops your practitioner journey and enables you to treat others on a more professional level; you can apply for insurance and set up your Reiki business. The Reiki 2 course also introduces the Reiki symbols and distance healing. 

Reiki Complements Other Practices

There are no contraindications to Reiki; it works really well alongside other complementary therapies as well as our western medicine. Reiki is now established in many clinical settings, including hospitals and hospices, and some GP surgeries also refer their patients for Reiki. Reiki will allow the body to relax and to heal, which lets other practices do what is needed. As a Reiki practitioner, you will go through the medical history with your clients to agree on the right treatment plan for them.

Reiki Supports Spiritual and Personal Development

Although you do not have to be spiritual to give, or receive, Reiki, the Reiki energy will give you a greater inner connection, making you more aware of your connections. Reiki can help you relax, meditate and connect to your inner self. Reiki will also help you with life’s challenges and give you a greater self-awareness, helping you in your interactions with others and in different situations. 

You Will Meet and Work With Like-Minded People

Training is practical and discussion-based which will help you discover who you are, and introduce you to others who have similar interests and ideals. As you share your Reiki practice, you will learn from your peers and you will be encouraged to continue your learning in workshops and shares, where you give and receive Reiki with other students. 

Your Reiki Experience Will Be Right For You, At This Time

Reiki is a unique pathway. There is no ‘right way’ or timeline for your training; you need to do it at your own pace, and how you want to do it. It is an amazing experience, and you cannot do it wrong, as long as you give from a place of truth, authenticity and love. The gentle healing energy knows how to support you, and those you treat.  Reiki training can be a life-changing experience, allowing you to find the real you, guiding you to achieve what you want in this life, and helping others on their journey too. 

If you want to know more about training with Home of Reiki, please do get in touch, or if you want to find a therapist for a treatment,  please check out our directory.

We’ve Got You Covered

We have lots of fantastic products to support you on your Reiki journey. Whether you are just dipping your toes in, or a seasoned practitioner. Take a look at the items listed below.

If you like what you’ve read and would love more magic in your daily life, sign up to our newsletter, pop into store or visit us online at – Quest is a close, family run business that has been open for over 17 years – we have cultivated a shop & wellbeing centre filled with beautiful crystals, magical energies & lots of love and laughter!

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CategoriesCrystals Tips & Advice

Exploring the Magic of Crystal Healing

Hey there, lovely souls! Welcome to this fortnight’s blog, where we explore the cosy corner of the universe where magic meets healing, and crystals reign supreme! Have you ever felt a pull towards the shimmering allure of crystals? Or are you simply curious about their mystical powers? If that sounds like you, then you’re in for a real treat. As today we are diving into the enchanting world of crystal healing.

Here at Quest, we believe in the power of nature to heal and restore balance to our lives. And what better way to tap into Mother Earth’s abundant energy than through the mesmerising beauty of crystals. For centuries crystals have been revered for their metaphysical properties and their ability to enhance our well-being on all levels – mind, body, and spirit.

So, grab a cup of your favorite herbal tea, cosy up, and let’s embark on this magical journey together!

The Basics of Crystal Healing

First things first – what exactly is crystal healing? Simply put, it’s the practice of using crystals to promote healing and balance within. Each crystal possesses its own unique energy and vibrational frequency, which interacts with our own energetic field to bring about positive changes.

Whether you’re struggling with stress, seeking clarity, or aiming to boost your creativity, there’s a crystal out there with just the right energy to support you on your journey. From calming amethyst to grounding hematite, the possibilities are endless!

Choosing Your Crystals

With so many options to choose from, selecting the right crystals for your needs can sometimes feel like a treasure hunt. But fear not, we’re here to guide you every step of the way!

Start by tuning into your intuition. If you are visiting us in store, focus on which crystals are catching your eye? Which ones make you feel a sense of peace or excitement? Trust your instincts. as they’ll lead you to the perfect companions for your healing journey.

If you’re unsure where to begin, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. Our knowledgeable staff are always there to offer personalised recommendations based on your intentions and energy. We love nothing more than helping our customers find their perfect match!

Incorporating Crystals Into Your Daily Routine

Now that you’ve chosen your crystal companions, it’s time to put them to work! There are so many ways to incorporate crystals into your daily routine, so feel free to get creative and experiment with what resonates with you.

One popular method is to carry crystals with you throughout the day. Whether you slip them into your pocket, wear them as jewellery, or place them in your purse, having your crystals close by allows their energy to infuse your aura and provide continuous support.

You can also create a sacred space in your home dedicated to healing and meditation. Arrange your crystals in a meaningful layout, light some candles, and take a few moments each day to connect with their energy. This simple practice can help you centre yourself, release tension, and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

Embracing the Magic Within

As you dive deeper into the world of crystal healing, you may find yourself experiencing profound shifts and transformations. Embrace these moments with an open heart and a sense of wonder, knowing that you are tapping into the limitless power of the universe.

Remember, crystal healing is a deeply personal journey, and there are no right or wrong ways to explore it. Trust in your intuition, follow your bliss, and allow the magic of crystals to guide you on your path to wellness.

We’ve Got You Covered

Are you ready to embark on your own crystal healing adventure? If so, we’ve got you covered. To take a look at all of the stunning crystals we have available, come and visit us in store. Or give us a call to find out what we have available. As always, we’ve selected a number of our favourite crystal products to share with you below. You can find more products on our website under the heading crystals.

If you like what you’ve read and would love more magic in your daily life, sign up to our newsletter, pop into store or visit us online at – Quest is a close, family run business that has been open for over 17 years – we have cultivated a shop & wellbeing centre filled with beautiful crystals, magical energies & lots of love and laughter!

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CategoriesEducational Energy Clearing & Feng Shui

Year of the Dragon

Welcome to this fortnight’s blog, where we’ll be diving into the realm of the Chinese zodiac! Last weekend, we bid farewell to the Water Rabbit, and ushered in the dynamic energy of the majestic Wood Dragon. Today we’ll be exploring the significance, traits, and blessings of the Chinese Year of the Dragon in all its fiery glory. So let’s get started…

Unveiling the Dragons Mystique

In Chinese culture, the Dragon is seen as a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. Unlike its Western counterpart, the Chinese Dragon is not a fearsome creature but a benevolent force associated with prosperity and auspiciousness. As we enter the Year of the Dragon, we are invited to embrace its dynamic energy and harness its transformative power to pursue our dreams and aspirations.

The Dragon’s Personality

Those born in the years 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, and of course new arrivals in 2024 are all Dragons. But what does this tell us about their personalities? Well, just like the mythical creature itself, individuals born in the Year of the Dragon are known for their boldness, charisma, and larger-than-life personalities. They possess an innate magnetism that draws others to them and a fiery spirit that fuels their ambition and determination. With their sharp intellect and fearless attitude, Dragons fearlessly conquer challenges and blaze their own trails, inspiring awe and admiration wherever they go.

Dragons are also known for their passion, enthusiasm, and zest for life. They approach every endeavor with boundless energy and unwavering confidence, refusing to be confined by limitations or setbacks. With their natural leadership abilities and pioneering spirit, Dragons often inspire others to follow their lead.

Unsure of your Chinese Zodiac animal? Take a quick Google.

Change and Transformation

So what does the Year of the Dragon mean for the rest of us? The Dragon’s fiery nature is synonymous with change and transformation, making the Year of the Dragon an ideal time for personal growth and reinvention. Just as the mythical creature sheds its old skin to embrace a new one, we too are encouraged to release the past and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. Whether it’s embarking on a new career path, pursuing a passion project, or cultivating meaningful relationships, the Year of the Dragon invites us to step into our power and embrace change with courage and conviction. If you’ve been thinking about making a change, this is a great year to go for it!

Creativity flows effortlessly in the presence of the Dragon’s boundless energy, making the Year of the Dragon a perfect time for artistic endeavors and innovation. Inspired by the Dragon’s fearless spirit, we are encouraged to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and express ourselves authentically. Whether it’s through music, art, literature, or technology, the Year of the Dragon empowers us to unleash our creative potential.

Despite their fierce reputation, Dragons are incredibly noble creatures with a strong sense of justice and integrity. In the Year of the Dragon, we are reminded of the importance of unity, compassion, and empathy in building a harmonious society. Just as the Dragon’s strength lies in its ability to unite diverse elements, we too are called to bridge divides, celebrate diversity, and cultivate a sense of belonging within our communities.

So, as we embark on this exhilarating journey through the Chinese Year of the Dragon, may we embrace its fiery spirit with open hearts and minds. Whether we’re chasing our dreams, embracing change, or nurturing our creativity, let us draw inspiration from the Dragon’s boundless energy and fearlessly pursue our passions with courage and conviction. Together, let us soar to new heights and create a world filled with prosperity, harmony, and boundless possibilities. Let us know in the comments how you intend to use the Dragon energy this year.

Team Quest

We’ve Got You Covered

Although the Chinese New Year celebrations happened last weekend, we have a number of products that bring in the wonderful energy of abundance and prosperity to your home or workplace all year round.

If you like what you’ve read and would love more magic in your daily life, sign up to our newsletter, pop into store or visit us online at – Quest is a close, family run business that has been open for over 17 years – we have cultivated a shop & wellbeing centre filled with beautiful crystals, magical energies & lots of love and laughter!

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CategoriesEducational Folklore Pagan


Hello and welcome to this fortnight’s blog. On the 1st February we celebrated Imbolc here at Quest and we’ve been doing a little research on this fabulous festival and thought we’d share it with you. So let’s find out more.

What is Imbolc?

The word ‘Imbolc’ is derived from an old Irish word ‘Imbolg’, which translates to ‘in the navel’. It refers to the signs of life beginning to emerge from the womb of Mother Earth herself. Imbolc begins at sunset on the 1st of February and continues through to sunset on 2nd of February. It marks the half way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Quite literally we are 6 weeks through the winter, with just 6 weeks left until spring arrives. Rooted in ancient Celtic traditions, Imbolc, is a wonderful time to welcome the first signs of spring, honour the Goddess Brigid, and embrace the light returning.

Who is Goddess Brigid?

Brigid, often referred to as the Celtic Goddess Brigid, is a deity with deep roots in Celtic mythology and spirituality. She holds a prominent place in the folklore and religious practices of various Celtic cultures. Brigid is commonly associated with fire, poetry, healing, fertility, and craftsmanship. Although of Celtic origin, her influence can be seen in both pagan and modern spiritual practices. In fact, Imbolc itself, is sometimes referred to as Brigid’s Day or St Brigid’s Day in her honour. It serves as a time to honor and invoke her blessings for inspiration, creativity, and protection.

Rituals & Traditions

Imbolc is a time of purification and preparation for the coming spring. Pagans and Wiccans celebrate the festival with a variety of rituals and traditions, each highlighting the themes of renewal and light. Some common practices include:

  • Lamp Lighting – Fire plays a significant role in Imbolc celebrations. Lighting lamps or candles around the home at sunset symbolises the return of the sun and the growing strength of its light. Many choose to place candles in every room of their homes to banish winter’s darkness and welcome the increasing daylight.
  • Brigid’s Crosses – Creating Brigid’s crosses is a traditional craft associated with Imbolc. Crosses are made from rushes or other natural materials, and symbolise protection. They are often hung above doorways to ward off negativity and invite Brigid’s blessings into the home.
  • Feasting – Sharing a meal is a central aspect of Imbolc celebrations, fostering a sense of community and unity.
  • Nature Walks – Connecting with the natural world is essential during Imbolc. Taking nature walks to observe the first signs of spring – budding flowers, emerging shoots, and the returning song of birds – allows individuals to attune themselves to the cycles of the Earth and express gratitude for the coming season.

We love the idea of lamp lighting to welcome the return of the sun. Did anyone see the Sunset on 1st February 2024? It was stunning!

Winter Wisdom

Along with the rituals and traditions listed above, Imbolc is also a time of reflection for the soul. So why not spend a little time over the days surrounding Imbolc to reflect on your growth through the winter. Here are some suggested journalling prompts:

What have you learnt? How have you grown? Is there anything you wish to leave behind, as you emerge from your winter hibernation? Now, reflecting upon the lessons of winter, how do you see things changing for you in the weeks and months ahead? Do you see yourself doing things any differently? If so, why? What is it you want to achieve this year? What are your hopes and dreams?

Take time over the coming weeks, to nurture the spring seeds of hope you have planted for yourself. Create yourself a plan, and figure out how you are going to bring them to fruition when the time is right. Our beautiful Tree of Life box would make the perfect place for your spring wishes.

So as we begin to emerge from the depths of winter, Imbolc offers us the perfect opportunity to celebrate the returning light, honour the goddess Brigid, and embrace the promise of new beginnings. We hope it’s inspired you, and helped to lift the January fog. It’s certainly excited us here at Quest!

We’ve Got You Covered

As always, we’ve got plenty of amazing products available in store and online to help you on your spiritual journey. So if Imbolc, resonates with you, take a look at some of the products we have below.

If you like what you’ve read and would love more magic in your daily life, sign up to our newsletter, pop into store or visit us online at – Quest is a close, family run business that has been open for over 17 years – we have cultivated a shop & wellbeing centre filled with beautiful crystals, magical energies & lots of love and laughter!

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CategoriesEducational Folklore Pagan

Wassailing Wonders

Hey, magical souls! 🌟✨ It’s that enchanting time of the year again when we gather around the hearth, mug in hand, ready to embrace the warmth of tradition and the chill of winter. Today, we’re delving into the heart of the pagan festivities with a cup of Wassail in hand, celebrating the age-old tradition of Wassailing!

What is Wassailing?

First things first, what in the cauldron is Wassailing? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a journey back in time, to a magical era where apple orchards were more than just a place for a Sunday stroll.

Wassailing, rooted in ancient Pagan and Saxon customs, is a lively celebration that marks the awakening of the fruit trees from their winter slumber. Think of it as a boozy, joyous pep talk for the apple trees, ensuring a fruitful harvest in the coming year. The word “Wassail” itself is a hearty medieval greeting meaning “be in good health” or “cheers,” which perfectly sets the tone for this festive occasion. 

The Recipe for Wassail Wonder

Now, onto the star of the show – the Wassail itself! Imagine a steaming cauldron filled with a delightful concoction of spiced ale, apple cider, and spirits. It’s the kind of brew that warms not just your body but your spirit too. 

If you want to create your own delicious brew, you can be as creative as you wish with your Wassail recipe – toss in cinnamon sticks, cloves, nutmeg, and maybe a dash of honey for that extra touch of magic. You can almost smell delicious aroma now can’t you! 

Is it just us, or can you too, feel the ancient spirits of the orchard joining the celebration? Put simply, Wassail is a magical blend of tradition and taste, and the perfect excuse to dust off that quirky mug you’ve been saving for a special occasion.

Wassailing Rituals: Sing, Dance, and Be Merry!

Picture this: a moonlit orchard, trees standing like silent sentinels, and a lively group of Wassailers singing their hearts out. Wassailing involves a series of rituals, each as delightful as the next.


    1. The Apple Wassail Song: This is all about infusing the orchard with joyous energy. Tapping of tambourines, pots and pans, or Wassailers simply tapping their feet to the rhythm of the traditional Apple Wassail Song: “Apple tree, apple tree, bear us some fruit, And if your branches can’t, we’ll give them a toot!”

    1. Toasting the Trees: Mugs are raised high in the air and a toast made to the health of the apple trees. Wassailers feeling the energy of the earth beneath their feet as they connect with the cycle of nature. This toast is not just a symbolic act; it’s an exchange of gratitude with the land – how beautiful is that?

    1. Offering to the Spirits: A portion of the Wassail drink is poured onto the roots of the apple trees as an offering to the spirits of the orchard. It’s a gesture of goodwill, a way of saying, “Thanks for the bounty, and here’s to more in the coming year!”

Creating Your Own Wassailing Wonderland

Now that you’re buzzing with Wassail wisdom, why not bring this magical tradition into your own space? Gather your coven, invite some friends, and turn your backyard into a mini orchard of wonder.


    1. 1. Deck the Halls: Adorn your space with fairy lights, candles, and a touch of greenery. Create a cosy nook where Wassailers can gather and share stories of winter’s past.

    1. 2. DIY Wassail Station: Set up a DIY Wassail station – spiced ale, apple cider, and an array of spices. Encourage everyone to mix their own brew, infusing it with their unique energy.

    1. 3. Sacred Sips: As you sip your Wassail, take a moment to connect with the energies around you. Feel the earth beneath you, the crisp winter air, and the camaraderie of kindred spirits.

If you’d prefer not to host, but would like to experinece the buzz of Wassailing, a quick Google and you’ll find lots of Wassailing events happening in Surrey as well as up and down the country.

Wassailing Wisdom for the Soul

In this age-old tradition, we find not just a celebration of the earth’s bounty, but a reminder of our deep connection to nature and the cycles of life. So, fellow seekers of magic, embrace the spirit of Wassailing with open hearts, mugs of Wassail held high, and a song on your lips. May your orchards be abundant, your spirits be merry, and your Wassail be downright enchanting. Cheers to winter’s wonders, and may the magic of Wassailing linger in your hearts throughout the seasons this year! 🍎🌙✨

Team Quest

We’ve Got You Covered

We have plenty of wonderful Pagan items available in store. So if Wassailing sounds a bit of you, do take a look at the items we have listed below.

Courses and Workshops

2024 is jam packed full of fabulous workshops and courses. With both, in person and online to choose from, there is something for everyone. To book, pop in or give us a call on 01372 878606

If you like what you’ve read and would love more magic in your daily life, sign up to our newsletter, pop into store or visit us online at – Quest is a close, family run business that has been open for over 17 years – we have cultivated a shop & wellbeing centre filled with beautiful crystals, magical energies & lots of love and laughter!

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CategoriesEducational Energy Clearing & Feng Shui Spirituality

New Year, New Energy

Hello there, wonderful souls!

As we bid farewell to the past year and welcome the bright possibilities of 2024, there’s a tangible sense of renewal in the air. It’s the perfect time to hit the reset button, align our energies, and embark on a journey of positive transformation. Here at Quest, we’re all about embracing the new year with open hearts and open minds, ready to infuse our lives with fresh energy and vibrant vibrations. In this blog, we’ll share our top tips for inviting in new positive energy this year.

Setting Intentions for a Radiant Year

If you haven’t already, take a little time for yourself to set your intentions for 2024. What energies do you want to attract? What positive changes would you like to manifest in your life? Whether it’s love, abundance, or inner peace, our spiritual haven is stocked with a variety of tools to help you channel your intentions and amplify your desires.

Crystals: Nature’s Energy Amplifiers

Our regulars will know that our shop is adorned with an array of beautiful crystals. Each carrying its own unique energy and purpose. From the grounding vibes of black tourmaline to the soothing properties of amethyst. Crystals are like nature’s batteries, ready to charge you up with positivity and balance. Why not pop in and explore our crystal collection and find the perfect companion for your 2024 journey around the sun.

Scented Sanctuary: Aromatherapy for the Soul

Take a second to imagine walking into a space filled with the soothing scents of lavender, and the uplifting essence of neroli. Smells heavenly doesn’t it? Well, our wide selection of incense, essential oils, and aromatherapy candles are the perfect way to create this serene atmosphere in your home. So this new year, why not transform your living space into a sanctuary of tranquility and invite the positive energies to flow effortlessly with the power of aromatherapy.

Tarot and Oracle Guidance

Curious about what the future holds? Our tarot and oracle decks are here to offer guidance and insights. Whether you’re seeking answers or simply want to tap into your intuition, these divination tools can be powerful companions on your journey to self-discovery. We also have the fabulous Pauline and Steve, our resident tarot readers, available for 1:1 readings.

Mindful Living with Gratitude and Meditation

Elevate your well-being with gratitude and meditation. Our collection includes books, journals, and guided meditation CD’s to help you cultivate a centered and grounded state of being. It’s the perfect way to start your mornings or unwind after a busy day.

Workshops and Courses

At Quest, we believe in the power of community. Join us for workshops, events, and gatherings designed to uplift and connect like-minded souls. Share your experiences, learn from others, and celebrate the beautiful journey of self-discovery together. 

As we venture into 2024, let’s embark on this new chapter with a spirit of openness and positivity. Embrace the opportunities for growth, surround yourself with uplifting energies, and trust that this year holds the potential for amazing transformations.

Here’s to a year filled with love, light, and boundless positive energy!

With gratitude and good vibes,

Team Quest

If you like what you’ve read and would love more magic in your daily life, sign up to our newsletter, pop into store or visit us online at – Quest is a close, family run business that has been open for over 17 years – we have cultivated a shop & wellbeing centre filled with beautiful crystals, magical energies & lots of love and laughter!

Subscribe to our newsletter!

CategoriesEducational Spirituality Tips & Advice

The Spirit of Giving

Now it’s December, the holiday season is well and truly upon us. As we being to decorate our homes with twinkling lights and gather around festive tables, there’s an undeniable unique magic in the air. Christmas is not just a time for exchanging gifts; it’s a season for cultivating warmth, compassion, and the spirit of giving. In the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, let’s take a moment to explore how we can infuse our celebrations with acts of kindness that resonate on a spiritual level too.

Here’s Our Top Ten


    • 1. Heartfelt Letters of Gratitude – Why not express your gratitude through heartfelt letters. Whether it’s to a friend, a family member, or even a colleague, a sincere expression of thanks can be a beautiful gift in itself. Who would you write yours to? What would you say?

    • 2. Volunteer and Serve – The holiday season is a perfect time to give back to the community. You could offer to serve meals at a local shelter or participate in a community cleanup. The act of giving time and energy can be profoundly fulfilling and rewarding.

    • 3. Gifts with Intention – While material gifts are a common expression of love during Christmas, gifts with deeper meaning may be a more thoughtful option. For example, a crystal with specific properties, a book that has inspired you spiritually, or even a piece of art that carries positive energy. At Quest this Christmas we are offering, beautiful bespoke gifts. To find out more, pop in or give us a call on 01372 878 606.

    • 4. Mindful Presence – In a season that is all too often characterised by hectic schedules, let’s emphasise the importance of being present. Allow yourself time to engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga to help you stay centered and grounded. This not only benefits the you, but ripples out to positively impact those around you.

    • 5. Nature Connection Rituals – Take some time out to connect with nature. Why not go on a wonderful wintery walk, or take a reflective walk in the snow (if we get any). These activities can help you reconnect with the natural world and find solace in its beauty.

    • 6. Create a Gratitude Jar – Each day, take a few minutes to jot down moments of gratitude throughout the holiday season. This simple practice helps shift the focus from materialism to appreciation, fostering a sense of abundance and thankfulness.

    • 7. Gift of Presence – In a world that moves at a rapid pace, one of the most precious gifts we can give is our time and presence. One of our staff members here at Quest, gifts her daughters a ‘Gift of Time’ every Christmas. It contains 12 sealed envelopes, one for each month, with a voucher for a day out, or an activity for them to enjoy as a family. The great thing about this gift is that you can make it suit all budgets. Children don’t often remember the presents, but they’ll always remember the presence.

    • 8. Acts of Compassion – Over the festive season, take the time to practice random acts of kindness, whether it’s helping a neighbour with their groceries, offering a warm meal to someone in need, or simply lending a listening ear to a friend going through a challenging time.

    • 9. Creating Sacred Spaces – During the Christmas season, consider transforming an area of your home into a sacred space that radiates love and tranquility. Decorate mindfully, incorporating elements that hold spiritual significance for you. Candles, crystals, and sacred symbols can infuse your space with positive energy, creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

    • 10. Messages from the Universe – For those who are spiritually inclined, Christmas can be a time to seek guidance from the universe. This could be through tarot readings, astrological insights, or intuitive reflections, tapping into spiritual wisdom can offer clarity and inspiration during the festive season. So if this is something you are interested in, why not book a reading with one of our fabulous readers here at Quest.

So, in the midst of the holiday rush, let’s take some time to remember that the true essence of Christmas lies not just in the exchange of gifts but in the joy of giving, connecting, and spreading kindness. By embracing these meaningful acts of kindness, we can collectively create a holiday season that resonates with the deeper, spiritual aspects of our being.

If you like what you’ve read and would love more magic in your daily life, sign up to our newsletter, pop into store or visit us online at – Quest is a close, family run business that has been open for over 17 years – we have cultivated a shop & wellbeing centre filled with beautiful crystals, magical energies & lots of love and laughter!

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