CategoriesEducational Spirituality Tips & Advice

The Benefits of Journalling

Welcome to this fortnights blog – The Benefits of Journalling. Have you ever considered picking up a pen and pouring your thoughts onto paper? Or perhaps, you already journal, but want to get more from it? If you’ve answered yes to either of those questions, you’ve come to the right place. Believe it or not, journalling isn’t just for poets or those with a penchant for prose; it’s a powerful tool that can transform your life in more ways than one. Through this blog we’ll uncover the incredible benefits in greater detail and give you some of our top journalling tips.

Why Journal?

So why should you consider journalling? Well, as we mentioned before, there are many benefits to journalling. Here are just a few examples.

  • Clarity in Chaos – We are sure you’ll agree that life can sometimes feel like a whirlwind of emotions, responsibilities, and experiences. Enter journaling, your personal lighthouse in the storm. Putting pen to paper allows you to untangle your thoughts, giving them shape and form. Suddenly, the chaos starts to make sense, and you find clarity in the midst of it all.
  • Emotional Release – Ever felt like your emotions were swirling inside you, begging for an outlet? Journalling can provide you with a safe space to let it all out. Whether it’s joy, sorrow, anger, or excitement, see your journal is your confidant, ready to absorb and validate every emotion, without judgment or reservation.
  • Unraveling Patterns and Growth – Flipping through the pages of your journal is like looking back at a photo album of your soul’s journey. You start noticing patterns in your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. This newfound awareness becomes a compass, guiding you towards personal growth and transformation. It captures not only your struggles and triumphs but also the small, beautiful moments that often slip through the cracks of memory. Imagine revisiting these pages years from now, reliving the experiences that shaped you.
  • Boosting Mental and Emotional Well-being – Studies have shown that journalling has a positive impact on mental health. It helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. By externalising your worries and fears onto paper, you free up mental space for creativity, positivity, and a greater sense of well-being. Journalling encourages introspection. It prompts you to explore your beliefs, values, and aspirations. Through this process, you become more attuned to your authentic self, fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness.
  • Strengthening Gratitude and Positivity – Every day is a gift, and journaling reminds you of that. By jotting down things you’re grateful for, you train your mind to focus on the positive aspects of life. This simple act has a ripple effect, infusing your days with a newfound sense of joy and contentment.

See your journal as your personal sanctuary, a place where you can be completely, unapologetically yourself. It’s a judgment-free zone where you can explore your deepest thoughts, fears, and desires without fear of scrutiny.

5 Top Tips

Here’s our simple guide on how to get started.

Tip 1: Choose Your Tools – Pick a notebook, journal app, or even a digital document. Select pens, pencils, or digital tools that you enjoy using.

Tip 2: Set Aside Time – Allocate a specific time each day or week for journalling. After all, consistency is key!

Tip 3: Create a Relaxing Environment – Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted. You might like to light a candle, burn some incense or diffuse some essential oils.

Tip 4 : Explore Prompts – Use prompts to spark creativity or address specific areas of your life. Consider writing about your experiences, interactions, and feelings.

Tip 5: Be Patient and Kind to Yourself – Don’t judge your writing. It’s for you, and there’s no right or wrong way to do it.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to journalling. It’s a personal practice, so make it your own and enjoy the process! Happy journalling!

We’ve Got You Covered

Interested in journalling? We’ve got a number of beautiful journals available here at Quest. Can’t see what you are looking for? Don’t forget you can pop in store or give us a call on 01372 878 606 and we’ll be happy to help.

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CategoriesPagan Spirituality Tips & Advice

Nurturing Your Sacred Space: Setting Up Your Altar

Hello seekers of serenity and spiritual growth! In this fortnights blog, we’re embarking on a journey to create a sacred space that will serve as your personal haven for reflection, meditation, and connection with the divine. We are going to guide you through the art of creating your own altar, by the end we hope it’ll have inspired you to create your own.

What is an Altar?

An altar is a physical representation of your spiritual connection and intention. It’s a space dedicated to your inner self, where you can connect with your higher self, spirit guides, or the universe. Creating an altar is a deeply personal and meaningful experience, and there are no strict rules. Selecting the right location for your altar is the first step. It could be a corner of your room, a special nook, or even a small table. Ensure that it’s a place where you feel comfortable, safe, and undisturbed. This spot will become your sanctuary, so remember to trust your instincts.

An altar is a reflection of your spiritual journey, so choose meaningful items that hold personal significance. These could include:

  1. Candles: They symbolise light, transformation, and the presence of the divine. You might choose colors based on their associated energies (e.g., white for purity, blue for peace).
  2. Crystals and Stones: Select crystals that resonate with your intentions and energy. For example, amethyst for calm, rose quartz for love, or clear quartz for clarity.
  3. Statues or Symbols: Representations of deities, spiritual figures, or symbols that hold deep meaning for you.
  4. Incense or Sage: Purify the space and invoke a sense of sacredness with cleansing smoke.
  5. Plants or Flowers: Bring a touch of nature to your altar, connecting you with the earth’s energies.
  6. Personal Mementos: Photographs, letters, or objects that hold sentimental value can be included to deepen the personal connection.

Setting Your Intention and Organising Your Altar

Before placing any item on your altar, take a moment to centre yourself. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and set your intention. What is the purpose of this sacred space? Is it for meditation, manifestation, gratitude, or something else entirely? Let your heart lead the way.

Arranging your altar is an intuitive process. You might choose to arrange items symmetrically or follow a more organic flow. Trust your instincts and let your heart guide you. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to do this – it’s about what feels right for you.

You might consider incorporating the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water – into your altar:

  1. Earth: Represented by crystals, stones, or plants, earth energy grounds you and provides stability.
  2. Air: This element is associated with mental clarity and communication. Use feathers, incense, or a bell to symbolize air.
  3. Fire: Candles or a small cauldron with a lit charcoal disk and resin represent the transformative power of fire.
  4. Water: A small bowl of water, seashells, or a symbol of a water deity can represent the fluidity of emotions and intuition.

A sacred space is a living entity that requires care and attention. Regularly cleanse and purify the area using smudging, incense, or intention-setting. Dust off your items with gratitude, and refresh the energy whenever you feel it’s necessary.

Using Your Altar in Practice

Your altar is a versatile tool. It can be a place for prayer, meditation, intention-setting, or simply a spot for quiet contemplation. Take a few moments each day to connect with your sacred space, and allow it to become a source of inspiration and grounding. May it be a space of solace, inspiration, and connection with the divine. Trust your heart, follow your intuition, and let this space be a reflection of your beautiful soul.

If you’ve been inspired to create your own sacred space, or perhaps you’ve already got one, please feel free to share your pictures on Instagram . Just don’t forget to tag us, so we can take a look and maybe share a few of our favourites.

We’ve Got You Covered

If this blog has inspired you to create your own altar, we’ve got lots of amazing products to help you on your way to creating your own spiritual haven.

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CategoriesEducational Spirituality

Autumn Equinox and the Dance of Balance

Hey there, lovely souls! Can you feel it? The crispness in the air, the leaves starting to don their fiery hues, and that unmistakable scent of autumn… It’s that time of year again, when nature puts on its most spectacular show, and the energies around us shift into a different gear. Yes, you guessed it right – it’s the Autumn Equinox!

As we bid farewell to the long, lazy days of summer and welcome the cosy embrace of fall, there’s something truly magical about this transitional phase. The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon in some spiritual circles, marks the point of perfect balance in the wheel of the year. Day and night share equal time, reminding us of the importance of equilibrium in our own lives. This year it falls on Saturday 23rd September.

Let’s explore the spiritual significance of this enchanting time and find out how we can tap into its energies for personal growth and introspection.

Harvesting the Fruits of our Soul’s Labour

Picture this: a field ripe with golden wheat, apples heavy on the boughs, and pumpkins sprawling across the earth. This is nature’s way of reminding us that it’s time to reap what we’ve sown. In our own lives, the Autumn Equinox is an opportunity for reflection. What have we achieved? What goals have we met? It’s a time to acknowledge our efforts and take pride in our accomplishments.

But it’s not just about material gains; it’s about the harvest of experiences, wisdom, and personal growth. Take a moment to give thanks for the lessons learned and the strength gained. Gratitude is a powerful force that amplifies our blessings and invites more positivity into our lives.

Embracing Balance and Harmony

As day and night stand side by side, we’re reminded of the delicate dance between light and dark within ourselves. It’s a time to acknowledge and honour our shadows, those parts of us that need a little extra love and attention. By embracing both our light and dark aspects, we find a sense of wholeness and unity within ourselves.

Consider this a moment of inner housekeeping. What habits, thoughts, or beliefs are throwing you off balance? Now is the perfect time to realign your energies and find that sweet spot of equilibrium. Whether through meditation, journalling, or simply spending time in nature, allow the Autumn Equinox to be a catalyst for inner harmony.

Letting Go and Making Space

Autumn is nature’s grand finale before the quiet introspection of winter. The trees shed their leaves, releasing what no longer serves them. Similarly, the Autumn Equinox invites us to let go of what’s holding us back. It’s a time to release old patterns, relationships, or situations that no longer align with our highest good.

Take a moment to write down what you’re ready to release. Visualise it as golden leaves falling gently to the ground, making space for fresh, new energy to flow in. Trust that by letting go, you’re creating room for transformation and growth.

Honoring the Sacred Within and Without

During this sacred time, it’s important to remember that the magic of the Autumn Equinox isn’t limited to rituals or ceremonies. The simple act of being present in nature, feeling the crunch of leaves beneath your feet, and breathing in the earthy scent of fallen foliage is a spiritual experience in itself.

Why not take a leisurely walk through a park or woodland, allowing your senses to soak in the beauty around you. Feel the connection between your soul and the natural world. This is where true magic resides – in the whispers of the wind, the rustle of leaves, and the song of birds.

Nourishing the Soul

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, it’s important to nurture your inner light. Surround yourself with things that bring you joy and warmth. Light candles, sip on herbal teas, and indulge in hearty, nourishing meals. This is a season of self-care and self-love, a time to replenish your energy and prepare for the introspective months ahead.

So, dear kindred spirits, let’s welcome the Autumn Equinox with open hearts and open minds. Embrace the beauty of change, honor the dance of light and dark within you, and let go of what no longer serves your soul. May this season be a tapestry of transformation, love, and boundless magic. Happy Equinox, and may your days be filled with golden blessings! 🍂✨

We’ve Got You Covered

As always, we’ve got you covered for this years Autumn Equinox. Take a look at our handpicked selection of products below, or pop in store, where we’ve got a wonderful array of items for you to choose from.

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CategoriesAromatherapy Crystals Educational Others Spirituality Tips & Advice

Navigating the Menopause: A Spiritual Perspective

Menopause is a profound and transformative phase in a woman’s life. Beyond the physical changes and hormonal shifts, it’s an opportunity for spiritual growth and self-discovery. In this blog, we’ll explore menopause from a spiritual standpoint, shedding light on how this transition can be embraced and empowered with mindfulness, self-compassion, and holistic well-being (all the things we do best here at Quest).

  1. Embrace the Divine Feminine: Menopause signifies a shift from the fertile, child-bearing years to a new phase of life. It’s a time to embrace and honor the divine feminine energy within. This transition can be viewed as a spiritual initiation, where wisdom and intuition become your guiding lights. Practices like meditation, journaling, and connecting with your inner self can help you tap into this sacred feminine energy.
  2. Embracing Change: Change is the only constant in life, and menopause is no exception. Embracing this change with grace and acceptance is a spiritual practice in itself. Recognise that it’s an opportunity to shed what no longer serves you, just as trees shed their leaves in autumn. Let go of preconceived notions about aging and embrace the wisdom that comes with it.
  3. Mindful Awareness: Mindfulness is a powerful tool during menopause. It helps you stay present and attuned to your body and emotions. As you navigate through hormonal fluctuations, mindfulness can ease symptoms like mood swings and hot flushes. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises, yoga, or walking meditation.
  4. Connecting with Your Body: Your body is the temple of your spirit. Menopause is an invitation to nurture it more than ever. Explore holistic health practices like herbal remedies, acupuncture, aromatherapy and Reiki to support your physical and emotional well-being. Listen to your body’s cues and provide it with the care and nourishment it deserves. You can find your local Reiki practitioners here.
  5. Rituals and Ceremonies: Creating rituals or ceremonies around menopause can be a beautiful way to mark this transition spiritually. Lighting a candle, performing a self-blessing, or holding a sacred ceremony with friends and family can help you honour this significant milestone. It’s a way to acknowledge the wisdom and strength you’ve gained throughout your life journey.
  6. Self-Compassion: Menopause can be challenging, in every sense. Self-compassion is a key spiritual practice during this time. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d offer family or friends going through a similar experience. Be patient with yourself, and know that it’s okay to seek support if you need to.
  7. Exploring Inner Wisdom: Menopause often brings introspection and a deeper connection to your inner self. Take this time to explore your inner wisdom and intuition. Journaling, meditation, and dream analysis can help you tap into the profound insights that emerge during this phase.
  8. Healing from Within: Many women find that menopause brings up unresolved emotional issues from the past. It’s an opportunity for healing and releasing emotional baggage. Seek support from a therapist or counsellor if needed, and consider energy healing practices like Reiki or chakra balancing to release stagnant energy and promote emotional well-being. You might even like to consider Reiki 1 training, as it’s all about self-healing.
  9. Embracing New Passions: As you enter this new phase of life, you may discover new passions and interests. Embrace them wholeheartedly. Whether it’s art, travel, volunteering, or learning a new skill, these pursuits can infuse your life with purpose and joy.
  10. Building a Supportive Community: Finally, surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Join women’s circles, spiritual groups, or online communities where you can share your experiences, learn from others, and offer your wisdom to those who are also on this transformative journey.

Menopause is a spiritual awakening, a journey of self-discovery, and an opportunity to connect with your inner wisdom and divine feminine energy. Embrace it with open arms, knowing that this phase of life is filled with growth, healing, and empowerment. As you navigate the menopausal journey, remember to nurture your body, mind, and spirit, and seek support and guidance from your spiritual community and holistic practices. In doing so, you’ll find that menopause can be a deeply spiritual and fulfilling experience.

We’ve Got You Covered

Whether you are looking for mindfulness products, holisitic alternatives or a little compassion, here at Quest we more than have you covered. Our team are all incredibly compassionate and are here to help in whatever way we can. Below we’ve selected a couple of products that you might find useful during this transformational time. Don’t forget you can always pop in or give us a call if you are looking for something specific and we’ll do our best to help.

Courses and Workshops

Here are some of the courses and workshops you might find beneficial.

CategoriesEnergy Clearing & Feng Shui Moon Phases Tips & Advice

Full Moon

Ah, the full moon—the celestial jewel that graces our night skies with its radiant glow. Its allure goes beyond its luminous beauty; it touches something deep within us, awakening a primal connection to the cosmos. For centuries, people have honored this enchanting celestial event with rituals that range from the simple to the elaborate, all in a quest to harness its mystical energy. With the next full moon arriving on 31st August, today we’ll dive into the captivating world of full moon rituals, exploring their origins, significance, and explain how you can create your own magical moments under this full moon’s radiant light.

The Origins of Full Moon Rituals:

Full moon rituals have a rich and diverse history, rooted in ancient traditions from cultures around the world. They often stem from the belief that the full moon is a powerful symbol of transformation and completion. In many cultures, it marks a time of heightened energy and spiritual significance.

Honoring the Cycle of Life:

One common theme in full moon rituals is the idea of cycles. The moon, with its phases waxing and waning, mirrors the cyclical nature of life. Full moon rituals are often a way to acknowledge these natural rhythms and connect with the ebb and flow of existence. They can serve as a reminder of the impermanence of all things and the ever-present opportunity for renewal and growth.

Setting Intentions:

One popular practice during full moon rituals is setting intentions. This involves taking some time to reflect on your goals, desires, and aspirations. Under the full moon’s radiant light, you can write down these intentions, infusing them with the moon’s energy. This ritual is a way to focus your energy and intention on what you want to manifest in your life.

Cleansing and Releasing:

Just as the full moon shines its light, illuminating the darkness, it’s also seen as a time to release what no longer serves you. This could be negative emotions, old habits, or anything that’s holding you back. Some people perform rituals like burning a piece of paper with what they want to let go of written on it, symbolising the act of releasing.

Connecting with Nature:

Many full moon rituals emphasise a connection with the natural world. Whether it’s taking a moonlit walk in the forest, meditating under the stars, or simply gazing up at the moon, these rituals invite you to be present in the moment and appreciate the beauty and wonder of the universe.

How to Create Your Own Full Moon Ritual:

The beauty of full moon rituals is that they can be highly personalised. You can create a ritual that resonates with you and reflects your spiritual beliefs and intentions. Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Choose a Location: Decide where you want to perform your ritual. It could be in your garden, by a body of water, or even in a quiet room at home with a clear view of the moon.
  2. Set the Mood: Create a serene atmosphere with candles, incense, or calming music. You want to be in a relaxed state of mind.
  3. Reflect and Set Intentions: Take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve or release. Write down your intentions or thoughts in a journal.
  4. Perform Your Ritual: This could involve meditation, visualisation, chanting, or any other activity that resonates with you. You might want to incorporate crystals, herbs, or other symbolic elements.
  5. Express Gratitude: Finish your ritual by expressing gratitude for the moon’s energy and any insights or clarity you’ve gained.

Full moon rituals are a beautiful way to connect with the cosmos, honour the cycles of life, and set intentions for the future. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a newcomer to the world of lunar rituals, the magic of the full moon is available to all who are willing to embrace it. So, the next time you find yourself bathed in the gentle glow of the full moon, consider taking a moment to create your own magical ritual and let the moonlight guide your intentions and dreams.

We’ve Got You Covered

As always, here at Quest we have all your essentials covered. We’ve selected a number of our favourite lunar products below, but if you are after something more specific, please do get in touch.

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CategoriesEducational Moon Phases Tips & Advice

The New Moon

Welcome to this fortnights blog…the New Moon. Together, we will explore the magic of the lunar world and learn how to harness the New Moon’s energy (the next New Moon occurs on Wednesday 16th August). 🌑✨ Whether you’re an avid lunar expert or a curious soul, our blog will guide you through the lunar phases, and the beauty that emerges when we learn to let go and allow space for new beginnings. Let’s go…

The Lunar Cycles

Lunar cycles, also known as lunar phases or moon phases, are the recurring patterns of change in the Moon’s appearance as observed from Earth. These cycles are driven by the Moon’s orbit around the Earth and its changing position relative to the Sun. The primary lunar phases are New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent.

The cycle starts with the New Moon, where the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, making its far side visible and its near side hidden from view. As the Moon orbits the Earth, more of its illuminated side becomes visible, leading to the Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, and Waxing Gibbous phases. The Full Moon occurs when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun, fully illuminated in our night sky.

Following the Full Moon, the Moon’s illuminated portion gradually decreases, leading to the Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent phases. The cycle then completes as the Moon returns to the New Moon phase. The entire cycle takes approximately 29.5 days, known as a synodic month.

Lunar cycles have been observed and used by various cultures for millennia to track time, plan agricultural activities, and celebrate religious and cultural events. These cycles also influence tides on Earth due to the gravitational pull of the Moon on our planet’s oceans. Understanding lunar cycles connects us to the cosmos and offers insights into the rhythmic nature of the universe.

Tell Me About the New Moon Energy

The New Moon is a captivating celestial phenomenon that marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. During this phase, the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, with its illuminated side facing away from us. As a result, the New Moon appears dark and virtually invisible in the night sky, blending into the backdrop of a million stars.

This phase is a time of hidden potential and fresh beginnings. It symbolises a blank canvas waiting to be painted with intentions and aspirations. Cultures around the world have attributed significance to the New Moon, using it as a point to set new goals, make resolutions, or embark on new ventures. It’s a time of introspection, where one can reflect on the past and contemplate the path ahead.

New Moon Rituals

Lots of you lunar followers will probably have your own well established New Moon rituals, but for the beginners out there, here are just a few of our favourites:

  • Set Intentions: Clarify your goals and desires for the upcoming lunar cycle.
  • Cleanse Space: Purify the area where you’ll perform the ritual using incense or sage.
  • Gather Supplies: Collect candles, crystals, herbs, and any tools that resonate with you.
  • Create Altar: Arrange your items in a sacred space as a focal point for your ritual.
  • Meditation: Begin with a grounding meditation to connect with your inner self.
  • Light Candles: Ignite candles representing different aspects of your intentions.
  • Affirmations: Speak positive affirmations aligned with your goals aloud.
  • Visualise: Envision your goals manifesting in detail, engaging your senses.
  • Write Intentions: Jot down your intentions on paper and keep them in a visible place.
  • Release: Let go of any doubts or fears, trusting the universe to support your journey.

You can choose as many of these as you like. You might find some resonate more than others. Just remember, the most important part, as always, is your intention! Always be as clear and as concise as possible.

We’ve Got You Covered

At Spiritual Quest we’ve got a number of products to support your New Moon rituals. Here is just a small selection. Do take a look at our website, give us a call or pop in to see more of the goodies we have on offer. Use the code moon2023 on any online or in store purchase to receive a free Moonstone tumblestone between now and 31st August 2023.

Upcoming Courses/Workshops

Here are a selection of courses and workshops. If you are interested in any of them, please click the images and you’ll be directed to the necessary pages.

CategoriesDivination Educational Tips & Advice

The Art of Tarot

Welcome to the mystical realm of Tarot! Delve into a world of ancient symbolism, intuitive guidance, and cosmic energies. The art of Tarot holds secrets of the past, present, and future, unveiling mysteries within each card’s intricate illustrations. Embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and profound insights as we explore the Tarot’s wisdom together. Let the cards speak their language, and let us unlock the enigmatic truths that lie within, guiding us towards clarity and enlightenment. Trust in the Tarot’s magic, and let the enchanting adventure begin!

History of Tarot

Ah, the captivating history of Tarot! Its origins are veiled in mystery, but Tarot likely emerged in the 14th century as a card game in Italy, France, and Spain. It wasn’t until the late 18th century that Tarot began its journey into divination and esoteric practices. Occultists like Antoine Court de Gébelin and Etteilla started attributing deeper meanings to the cards, linking them to ancient wisdom and mystical systems.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, influential figures like Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith created the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, revolutionizing the art with rich symbolism still widely used today. Tarot’s popularity soared in the 20th century, further expanding its associations with spirituality, psychology, and self-discovery.

Today, Tarot remains a beloved tool for seekers of wisdom, offering profound insights and guidance on life’s journey. Its allure lies in the endless interpretations and personal connections individuals form with the cards, making it a timeless treasure of the metaphysical world.

About the Cards

The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, each with its own unique meaning and symbolism. The cards are divided into two groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, while the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Let’s talk about the differences between Major and Minor Arcana. Picture this: Major Arcana cards are the big players, carrying potent energies and representing major life events and spiritual revelations. They’re like the stars of the show, guiding us through significant turning points. On the other hand, Minor Arcana cards are the supporting cast, reflecting everyday situations and emotions. They’re like colorful puzzle pieces, forming a detailed picture of our daily lives. Together, they create a harmonious dance, offering profound insights and shaping the captivating tapestry of Tarot readings.

How Does a Reading Work?

A Tarot reading is like a cosmic conversation between the cards and the reader. The querent (person seeking guidance) asks a question or seeks insights, and the reader shuffles the deck, infusing it with their energy. Cards are then drawn and arranged in spreads, each position holding significance. The reader interprets the cards’ symbolism, connecting them to the querent’s situation. Intuition and the reader’s understanding of Tarot guide the process, unraveling the profound messages and offering valuable perspectives for the querent’s contemplation and growth. Among the myriad of Tarot spreads, some popular ones include the Celtic Cross, a comprehensive layout for general readings; the Three-Card Spread, offering past, present, and future insights; and the Relationship Spread, focusing on partnerships. The simple One-Card Spread is also commonly used for daily guidance. Each spread provides a unique perspective, allowing readers to explore various aspects of life. At Quest, we have the wonderful Pauline Walsh with us every Friday and Saturday. Pauline is our resident Medium Clairvoyant and Tarot reader. To book a reading with Pauline, please give us a call on 01372 878606.

We’ve Got You Covered

Here at Quest, we have everything you need for getting started in Tarot, whether you are a complete beginner or more advanced reader. We have a wide range of Tarot decks available from the traditional Rider Waite to brand new designs. Below we’ve selected a few of our favourites. Remember we have lots more online and in store.

Courses and Workshops

Take a look at our upcoming Reiki courses with Reiki Surrey.

CategoriesTips & Advice

Stay Grounded This Summer

Welcome to this fortnight’s Quest blog. We hope you’ve been enjoying the long, lazy summer evenings so far. Did you know that our summer holidays provide us with the perfect opportunity to practise exercises that help to ground and centre us? Well, in this blog we are giving you our top tips to help you stay rejuvenated and grounded this summer. Kids on school holidays? Fret not. We understand that for many, the school holidays can add to daily struggles as you try to juggle childcare with work and life in general. You can practise these exercises at a time that suits you. You could even get the children involved and teach them the importance of maintaining their well-being. So here are our top tips for staying grounded this summer:

  • Practice Mindfulness: Engage in daily mindfulness exercises such as meditation, deep breathing, or mindful walking to stay present and calm amidst the holiday chaos.
  • Set Intentions: Start your day by setting positive intentions. Reflect on what you want to experience and achieve during the summer, and align your actions accordingly.
  • Maintain a Routine: Create a flexible routine that includes time for relaxation, exercise, socialising, and personal growth. Having a structure can provide a sense of stability during the summer break, especially if you have children at home.
  • Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors, whether it’s taking a walk in the park, going to the beach, or hiking. Nature has this amazing grounding effect and can help you feel more connected and at peace.
  • Limit Screen Time: Reduce your time spent on electronic devices and social media. Disconnecting from technology allows you to focus on your surroundings and engage in meaningful experiences.
  • Engage in Physical Activity: Incorporate regular physical exercise into your routine. Whether it’s going for a swim, practicing yoga, or playing a sport, physical activity can release tension and boost your mood.
  • Prioritise Self-Care: Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, listening to music, taking baths, or getting a massage or even some Reiki.
  • Practice Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by reflecting on the things you appreciate in your life. Keep a gratitude journal or share your gratitude with others, as it helps shift your focus to the positive aspects of your experience.
  • Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and establish healthy boundaries to protect your time and energy. Prioritise activities and commitments that align with your values and bring you joy.
  • Connect with Loved Ones: Spend quality time with family and friends. Engage in meaningful conversations, create new memories, and strengthen your relationships. Positive connections with others can provide a sense of belonging and support.

These tips are meant to guide you, just remember, everyone’s needs are unique. You can adjust and personalise them to suit your preferences and circumstances. Enjoy your summer holidays and make the most of your time to rejuvenate your soul and stay grounded and centered.

“Like a tree with deep roots, stay grounded in your spiritual essence. Let your branches reach for the heavens, while your roots remain firmly connected to the earth. In this balance, you will find true strength, resilience, and inner peace.”

Spiritual Quest

We’ve Got You Covered

We carefully selected a range of products to support you this summer. Can’t see what you are looking for? Pop in, or give us a call and we’ll be happy to help.

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What is a pendulum?

A pendulum is a simple yet powerful tool used in divination, energy healing, and spiritual practices. It consists of a weighted object, often a crystal or metal, attached to a string or chain. When held or suspended, the pendulum swings back and forth or in circular motions, responding to subtle energy vibrations. It is believed to tap into the intuition and subconscious mind, providing answers, insights, and guidance. By asking specific questions, the pendulum’s movements can indicate yes or no responses, reveal hidden truths, and assist in decision-making processes. It serves as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious realms, aiding in spiritual exploration and self-discovery.

Here is our step-by-step guide on how to use a pendulum:

  • Choose a Pendulum: Select a pendulum that resonates with you. It can be made of crystal, metal, or any other material that you connect with energetically.
  • Cleanse and Energise: Before using your pendulum for the first time, cleanse it of any residual energies by placing it under running water or using other purification methods such as smudging or intention setting. Then, hold it in your hands and infuse it with your positive intentions and energy.
  • Set Up a Clear Space: Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can focus without distractions. It’s also helpful to clear the space energetically by burning incense, using essential oils, or any other method that resonates with you.
  • Establish a Clear Intent: State your intention for using the pendulum. It can be seeking guidance, receiving answers, or connecting with your intuition. Clarify that you want the pendulum to show you clear and accurate responses.
  • Hold the Pendulum: Hold the pendulum gently between your thumb and forefinger, allowing it to hang freely. Ensure that your hand is relaxed, and the pendulum has enough room to swing without obstruction.
  • Establish Yes/No Responses: Begin by asking the pendulum to show you its “yes” response. Observe the direction of its swing—clockwise, counterclockwise, back and forth, or side to side. Repeat the process to establish the “no” response. This will vary from person to person and pendulum to pendulum, so it’s crucial to establish your unique responses.
  • Ask Questions: With your intentions in mind, ask clear and specific questions. Allow the pendulum to swing or rotate, and observe its movements. Interpret the responses based on your predetermined “yes” and “no” signals. Practise different types of questions to gain confidence and accuracy.
  • Trust Your Intuition: Remember that the pendulum is a tool that amplifies your intuition. Trust your inner guidance and instincts when interpreting the pendulum’s responses. Practice regularly to enhance your connection and accuracy.
  • Cleanse and Store: After each use, cleanse your pendulum to remove any residual energies. You can use the same methods mentioned in point 2. Find a safe and respectful place to store your pendulum when not in use, ensuring it remains protected and charged.

What else can you use a pendulum for? 

Apart from divination and guidance, a pendulum can be used for various purposes. It can be utilised in energy healing practices, such as Reiki, to detect and balance energy imbalances within the body. They can also be used in dowsing to locate objects, water sources, or ley lines. They can assist in clearing spaces by detecting stagnant or negative energies. Pendulums can aid in chakra balancing and alignment, as well as in determining the energetic properties of crystals or objects. Additionally, they can be used as an alternative way of choosing an oracle or tarot card.  

Remember, when using a pendulum, the accuracy response relies on your focus, intention, and connection with your intuition. With practice and trust, the pendulum can become a valuable tool for seeking guidance, clarity, and self-discovery in your spiritual journey. 

We’ve got you covered

Interested in finding out more about pendulums or other forms of divination? Well here at Quest we have got you covered. Take a look at our carefully selected products. Can’t find what you are looking for? Give us a call on 01372 878606 or pop in and we’ll be happy to help.

Upcoming Courses

We’ve got a selection of Reiki training courses coming up. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Chakras Explained

Welcome to this fortnight’s blog – Chakras Explained. The concept of chakras originated in ancient India, specifically within the traditions of Hinduism and was later incorporated into practices like Buddhism. The earliest known mention of chakras can be found in ancient Indian texts called the Vedas which were composed between 1500 and 500 BCE. The precise time of their discovery or origin is difficult to determine as they emerged as part of a broader spiritual and philosophical tradition over thousands of years. Today we are going to explore in a little more detail the seven main chakras and how we can keep them balanced.

What are Chakras?

According to some Eastern spiritual traditions, Chakras are believed to be energy centers or wheels of energy within the human body – particularly those found in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Tantra. The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit language, meaning “wheel” or “disk.” There are generally seven main chakras that are commonly discussed, and each is associated with a specific location in the body and has its unique qualities and characteristics. Here is a brief overview of the seven main chakras:

  • Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Located at the top of the head, it is associated with spiritual connection,higher consciousness, and enlightenment.
  • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Located between the eyebrows, it is associated with intuition, insight,and spiritual awareness.
  • Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located in the throat area, it is associated with communication, self-expression, and truth.
  • Heart Chakra (Anahata): Located in the center of the chest, it is associated with love, compassion,forgiveness, and emotional well-being.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Located in the upper abdomen, it is associated with personal power,confidence, and self-esteem.
  • Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Located in the lower abdomen, it is associated with emotions,sensuality, creativity, and sexuality.
  • Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, it is associated with stability, grounding, and the basic needs of survival.

It is believed that when the chakras are balanced and in harmony, they contribute to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Sometimes our chakras may be come out of alignment which can lead to physical discomfort or illness, emotional imbalances, lack of energy flow, feeling disconnected or unfocused, and difficulty in maintaining healthy relationships or a sense of purpose. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to realign your chakras and bring the balance back:

  • Meditation: Focus on each chakra individually, envisioning its color and affirming its qualities.
  • Yoga: Practice poses that stimulate and activate specific chakras.
  • Sound therapy: Listen to specific frequencies or use chanting to harmonise chakras.
  • Aromatherapy: Use essential oils associated with each chakra during meditation or baths. You can read more about this in our previous blog.
  • Crystal healing: Place gemstones or crystals aligned with each chakra on the corresponding areas.
  • Mindfulness: Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, addressing any imbalances.
  • Reiki or energy healing: Seek the assistance of a qualified practitioner to clear and balance your chakras. Check out and take a look at our directory for a practitioner near you. If you can’t find a local practitioner, why not consider distant healing with one of our listed practitioners.

All of the above are great ways to keep your chakras in alignment and nicely balanced. If you feel you are in need of a little balancing, choose one or two things from the list to try. See how your body feels and responds afterwards.

We’ve Got You Covered

We have a great selection of chakra products available both in store and online for you to purchase. Below we’ve chosen a small selection of chakra items we currently have in stock. If you are looking for something specific, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 01372 878606, or pop in and we’ll be more than happy to help.

Courses and Workshops

As always, there’s plenty going on here. We have Reiki training, FREE meditations, as well as online courses. Take a look below and if something takes your fancy give us a call on 01372 878606.