‘Divination is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardised process or ritual.’
Tea Readings
Tea reading is the art of identifying symbols in the shapes and configurations of tea leaves and interpretating their messages. It’s believed to have been around for thousands of years, since tea was discovered by a Chinese Emperor in 2737 BC, but it has gained popularity in recent years. Like other forms of divination, tea reading is very personal – what you see in the patterns might be different from what another would perceive. This, however, produces the most relevant reading!
And all you need to do is make a cup of tea! Pick your chosen tea (use loose tea leaves) and pop a pinch in your cup. Pour over hot water and let the tea cool whilst you quieten your mind. Think about what you are looking for from your reading – is there a specific question? When you are focused, drink your tea and leave a spoonful of liquid at the bottom. Take the cup by the handle in your left hand, rim upwards, and move it in a circle rapidly three times from left to right. Next (still with your left hand) slowly turn the cup upside down over a saucer. Leave the cup upside down until all liquid drains away. Position the handle due south and you’re ready to go!
Have a look at the leaves and see what symbols are present. If you get our ‘Fortune Tellers Cup’ it comes with a symbol chart and their meanings! The cup is divided into three parts. The rim represents the present, the side signifies events happening soon, and the bottom represents the future.
Tarot Readings
The tarot has been used for centuries as a form of divination and is an excellent tool for self-discovery and growth. The tarot picks up on the energy around you and taps into your consciousness to guide you, to access your intuition, and help you know what you really want in life.
The tarot is a deck of 78 cards: 22 of them form the major arcana and represent a particular quality or archetype. The other 56 cards make up the minor arcana and are split into 4 suits – these cards represent events, people, behaviour, ideas and activities that go on in our lives. Each card has an image, a name and number, all of which are potent symbols and have specific meanings. Each card has a layer of meaning, and reveal parts of ourselves which we might consciously choose to deny, repress, or exile. This makes the tarot unique tool for understanding ourselves and the path we are on.
There are many ways to use your tarot cards, and there are spreads that show you a detailed look at certain aspects in your life. You can find these in our ‘Tarot Bible’ Book or research online. The easiest way to use them is by picking a ‘daily card’. Simply shuffle the cards with their backs facing you, cutting them as many times as you want. You don’t need to ask a specific questions – just free your mind of all thoughts. When you feel ready, pick the card your drawn to. Before you look up the meaning, take some time to interpret the card yourself. What reaction do you have to the imagery? What does the number mean to you? What do you feel? Once you’ve done this, have a read of its meaning. Let both interpretations guide you throughout the day – there may be a sudden revelation during the day that allows you to see what the card means to you.
Modern Witch Tarot Deck£21.99
The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck£18.99
Tarot Made Easy by Kim Arnold£10.99
Runes are an ancient form of oracle used by those seeking advice. Runes have a long history, dating back to ancient use by Germanic and Nordic tribes. Runes can be made of various materials, such as wood, crystal or stone, and feature a symbol from a runic alphabet on them. Each symbol has a specific meaning, and each rune picks up on a specific energy. Runes have been around for a long time, and decreased in popularity due to the introduction of Christianity. This has resulted in a lack of evolution of the rune, and means that the energy they are attracted to can be quite alien to the modern mind. This means that when you’re reading the runes, you have to work out how the old concepts fit in with the modern way of life. This makes it extra fun though!
There a different ways to use runes, but the find a quiet place and clear your mind. Focus on your reading and set your intention. What is your specific question? Get this clear in your mind. Once you’re ready, go into your rune bag and pick up one rune. This is the main answer to your question, but you may need to draw 1 or 2 more to get context. For example, you may ask the question ‘Should I go for this promotion at work?’. The first rune you pick is Uruz, which represents strength and power. You then pick the second one which is Ansuz which is for speech and knowledge. The last one you pick is Nauthiz which means need and action. Using all three runes, you can interpret this as you need to use your power of speech and knowledge to get the promotion at work!
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