According to Feng Shui, each area of your home represents an area of your life. If the energy in this area of your home is balanced, then that area of your life will be balanced. However, if the area is cluttered or in disarray, then this can have detrimental affect on your life. You can manipulate this energy to enhance aspects of your life.
The relationship corner is found in the right hand corner of your bedroom, with your back against the bedroom door. First of all, you need to think about what you have in this corner and whether it represents love. For example, don’t keep your bin in this corner! Also throw away anything that is no longer serving you, as clutter holds onto negative energy.
Once you have done this, you can start incorporating objects that will enhance your love life and symbolise the relationships you desire.
You could put two chunks of Rose Quartz to represent yourself and your partner, or one if you are single. Rose Quartz is the crystal for love, and can help stimulate loving energies in your life. You could even place it in a heart dish for extra energy!
You could put one of our relationship figurines in this corner as well. This can represent your current relationship or the relationship you desire.
Whatever you do, make sure you place it with intention!
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