CategoriesSpirituality Tips & Advice

Self Love

What is self love? Self love is about taking responsibility to care for your wellbeing. I am going to give you some advice and tips on how you can implement this into your life! So grab a drink and get comfortable!

Learning to love yourself can be really hard sometimes because you go face to face with your self beliefs. It’s important to be patient and give yourself the time in your life to understand yourself. Your beliefs about yourself can look like this “I don’t love myself” “nobody loves me” “I’m not good enough”. Once you become aware of these thoughts you can start to change them, it’s important to find out where do they come from? Why do you have these beliefs? Allow yourself to feel the emotions that arise when you think of these beliefs, how does it make you feel? Remember that these types of beliefs are not true but the more you tell yourself they are the more deeply rooted they become.

Let’s do a little exercise, write down your beliefs on a piece of paper, next to each negative belief you have about yourself replace it with a positive affirmation. So your belief may be “I am not good enough” replace it with “I am good enough” “Nobody loves me” replaced with “I am loved” and so on. Now take these positive affirmations and keep them safe, when you are cleaning the house or making dinner, going for a walk basically whenever you can, keep repeating your affirmations to your self, you will start to believe they are true and eventually they will become a core belief.

Sometimes we entertain negative people in our lives and this has an effect on us, it is important to set healthy boundaries in your life, and learning that it is ok to say no. If you feel you have negative people around you that drain your energy a good tip is to ask Archangel Michael to cut any invisible ties to anyone thats not serving your highest purpose or your not serving theirs, once you have done this go about your day and see what happens! It is important to protect yourself spiritually, every night call all your energy back to you from any person, place or situation and let go in your mind of anything that is not serving your highest good. You can do this by placing your feet firmly on the ground and saying “I declare my body grounded to the earth right now and so it is” Imagine a magnet in your body and say “I call all of my energy back to me from any place, person or situation right now and so it is” and imagine the magnet drawing all of your energy back to you. Now say “I send back any energy that is not serving me back to where it came from” and imagine that energy leaving you. Now imagine a white light surrounding your aura and body and say “this is my energy shield and nothing shall have access to my energy without my permission”

Take at least 20 minute’s out of your day to care for yourself, this can be having a relaxing bath, going for a walk, meditating or reading a book. Invest in putting yourself first and loving yourself, finding a passion/hobby, you will essentially put out this loving, caring passionate energy that will put you in alignment with your authentic self, your authentic self is who you truly are without the influence of other people, it is an honest representation of who you are and when you are in alignment with this you will start to see miracles happen around you! Trust yourself, love yourself and be patient with yourself. It is ok to have bad days the light cannot exist without darkness, its yin yang energy. We cannot appreciate the good days without learning from the bad days. We are always evolving and learning!

A book I would recommend is “You can heal your life” by Louise Hay, you can order this on the website, in store or over the phone!

Have an amazing day and remember how great and beautiful you are!

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