CategoriesEducational Spirituality Tips & Advice

The 7 Chakras

The Chakras are 7 energy points within your body. They start at the top of your head and go all the way to the base of your spine. The aim is for all these points to be open, balanced and in harmony. You want energy to be able to flow freely within your body so that there is harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. If any of these points are unbalanced, then it can affect you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In Sanskrit, Chakra means ‘Wheel’ and that’s essentially it; wheels need to be balanced in weight to work properly!

The Root Chakra

Just like a tree, the roots ground and support you. It helps your ability to overcome challenges, gain independence and feel safe and secure. When this area is blocked, you may suffer from anxiety, fears and nightmares. If your root chakra is underactive, you may feel anxious and not in control. For an overactive root chakra, you may feel overly attached to something that is unhealthy for your wellbeing e.g. a job.
Location – Base of your spine
Colour – Red
Crystals – Red Jasper, Hematite

The Sacral Chakra

This chakra houses our emotions, passions, and pleasures. When this chakra is aligned, you feel great: you’re friendly, full of joy and creativity. When your sacral chakra is blocked, you may feel uninspired and emotional instability. When it is underactive, you may lack ‘joie de vivre’ and a low libido. When it is overactive, you may experience emotional fluctuations from high highs to low lows.
Location – Above the pubic bone and below the navel
Colour – Orange
Crystals – Carnelian, Tigers Eye, Sunstone

The Solar Plexus

This chakra is believed to be your source of individual power and is responsible for your self-esteem. It boosts your self-worth, willpower and commitment. When it is blocked, you may suffer from low self-esteem, which in turn can lead to anger and procrastination. An underactive solar plexus may mean you struggle to show your authentic self and make decisions. When overactive, you may be power hungry and show maniac behaviour.
Location – From the navel to the ribcage
Colour – Yellow
Crystals – Citrine, Pyrite, Amber

The Heart Chakra

This chakra is all to do with love and influences our ability to give and receive love. It’s where the physical and spiritual meet, allowing forgiveness and compassion to flow freely both to and from you. A blocked heart chakra will bring up feelings of jealously and betrayal. When underactive, you may be emotionally closed off and struggle to get over past hurts. An overactive heart chakra may mean you are too dependent and needy, with a lack of boundaries.
Location – The centre of the chest
Colour – Green
Crystals – Rose Quartz, Malachite, Jade

The Throat Chakra

Your fifth chakra is all about communication and being able to speak your inner truth. You should be able to express yourself clearly, as well as being able to fully listen. A blocked throat chakra may result in feeling unfocused and afraid of being judged. It also can manifest itself as a sore throat and/or thyroid issues. With an underactive throat chakra you may yourself ‘swallowing your words and feelings’, unable to express yourself. An overactive chakra will portray as being overly critical and judgemental of others, and well as being domineering in conversations.
Location – Throat
Colour – Blue
Crystals – Lapis Lazuli, Green Aventurine, Blue Lace Agate

The Third Eye

This chakra is believed to be the bridge between you and the outside world. It allows you to see the clear picture, as well as enhancing your intuition and your ability to tap into it. If your third eye is blocked, you’ll have trouble trusting your inner voice and learning new skills. If your lower chakras are unbalanced, chances are your third eye is too – resulting in you acting more introverted and judgemental. With an underactive third eye, you may overthink and intellectualise things without trusting your intuition. An overactive third eye can lead to an overactive imagination and a mind that wanders too much.
Location – Between the eyebrows
Colour – Indigo
Crystals – Amethyst, Labradorite, Fluorite

The Crown Chakra

This chakra represents our spiritual connection to our higher selves and the Universe. With this, we can access pure consciousness. Unlike the other chakras, the crown is often only opened fully through meditative exercises. Because of this, you may not notice if this chakra is blocked as you may just feel like your regular self – just not in a state of enlightenment. An underactive crown chakra may have you feeling disconnected, with no real direction or purpose in life. An overactive crown may have you desiring material things, yet never being satisfied.
Location – The crown of the head
Colour – Violet
Crystals – Selenite, Clear Quartz, Lepidolite

Although each chakra has its own properties, they all work together as a system. If one is out of balance, then the rest are affected. The goal is for everything to be balanced and working in harmony. It is completely normal to have one or more blocked chakras, and there are plenty of ways to establish harmony within you.

By understanding what each chakra represents, you can figure out if any of yours are unbalanced. Then you can focus on that chakra with your crystals, healing and meditative work. There are also products out there that work on all the chakras simultaneously, which is ideal if you are unsure on what is out of balance. Check out some of our favourite chakra items below!

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