
The Year of The Rabbit

On the 22nd January, we leave the Year of The Tiger and enter the new year: the Year of The Rabbit. So what does this year have in store for us? Let’s find out!

The rabbit is known as one of the most gentle and tender out of the 12 animals, which is a dramatic difference to the roaring tiger and is why this year might start off a bit abrupt as we adjust to this slower pace. The year 2022 was designated as ‘yang’, the active principle of Chinese philosophy so, combined with the tiger energy, we would have felt vitality, positivity and enthusiasm. However, this combination also leads to restlessness and burn out.

The year 2023 will be ‘yin’, and the rabbit will encourage a much more gentle pace. It will be a time for rest and reflection, and will give you an opportunity for contemplation. But this doesn’t mean it’s a year of downtime, as rabbits are quick and clever when needed. They can adapt to their environment and make decisive decisions based on their situation and threat level. With this energy, you can work towards your goals in a steady, confident manner and will be able to overcome any obstacles in 2023 with a clear and calm head.

The yin nature will also heighten the qualities of the rabbit, helping you be more receptive, intuitive and accepting. The idea of yin and yang is that opposite forces complement one another to offer harmony and balance overall, so if you feel a bit burnt out after 2022, this year will help restore your energy levels and bring balance back into your life.

Chinese Astrologers have a few tips on how to harness the rabbit’s energy:

  • If you’re used to tight schedules, you may find your routines soften and relax throughout the year. This may take some adjustment at first, but it’s a good thing so let it happen!
  • For career and financial success, try to start things as early as possible in the year. This will give your ideas and intentions time to blossom in an organic way.
  • Rabbits are incredibly social and affectionate creatures, so it’s the perfect time to strengthen relationships and build new ones. If you’re single, you may have more chances with romantic potentials. Love is important to rabbits, so embody the traits of someone who makes a good partner – be affectionate!
  • The rabbit is associated with peace, prosperity and longevity in Asia – so above all, this year will bring hope. Remember this as you progress through the year.
  • Those who celebrate the Chinese New Year will incorporate motifs of the animal in their homes and businesses so add rabbit ornaments, like the ones below, to remind you of the rabbit’s energy.

We hope The Year of The Rabbit will be a successful year for you!

The Chinese Lunar Calendar is based on 12 animals, each with their own attributes and energy. To find out more about how the calendar came about, read our blog here.

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